Thursday, August 12, 2010

what is in your phone?

Tooooooo long... you say. Well it seems life has gonna by way too quickly. Yes and no!

Sloan is now 2 with the personality of Paul (save us all)


Finn is older… than Paul…mentally; and so much cooler. (Save us all again)

So I say “HI” to all.

Sorry I have been neglecting you; and me, the posts are therapeutic and sporadic in a sense, yet always cryptic…..ok that was weird

I guess what really spurred me to write was a new phone…Lame right.

I have been good at learning to deal with my new abilities and new limitations…just like everyone going through a process in their life...

The evolution processes. Learning, growing, becoming intolerant, and growing in areas where being intolerant is not accepted and so on…

What made me sad this evening and provoked my expressive unrest was going through my contacts, a consistent reminder continued to appear…?

Dr.s numbers…



Pediatric emergency doctors,

Hospital locations…

We are just too young for crap like this…

Please understand…I am not complaining...more just screaming at the moon….it make us who we are…right???

I pray that someday no one has to have multiple Dr.s numbers in their phone under the age of ………… mentally young kids?

Maybe I am losing it…a little insight is always helpful????

As always much love...

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